Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Camden Borough published a pamphlet which had analysed the 2001 census and gave an insight into the Muslims in the borough and how many were employed or living in social housing at the time. This was published in 2001 but remember that the population has likely doubled since then; there's no way to know if they're going to release a new pamphlet (I highly doubt it as this pamphlet was very damning) but can we assume they're still leaching off the state?

Almost a quarter (23.8%) of all children under 16 in Camden are Muslim and account for more than a third (34.2%) of the total Muslim population (over twice the Camden average of 16.6%).

65% of Muslim households live in accommodation rented from the Council or in other forms of social housing while the average for Camden is 34.7%.

Only 44% of Muslims are economically active. This is the lowest figure of any religious group and substantially below the Camden average of 65%.

30% of Muslim women are economically active compared to 59% of all women in Camden.

The Muslim population has the highest unemployment rate of any faith community in Camden - almost twice the Camden average, with 19.5% of the Muslim adult population (16-74) unemployed, compared to 8% for Camden as a whole.

One third of the working age (16-64)Muslim population has no formal qualifications, compared to 15% for the Borough’s working age population as a whole.

25.9% of young Muslims (aged 16-24) are unemployed compared to 13.2% of all young people in Camden.

29.9% of young Muslim men are unemployed compared to 16.5% of all young men in Camden.

The unemployment rate of young Muslim women is 20.3%, nearly twice the borough average of 10.2%.

42.1% of Muslim children live inhouseholds where no-one is working compared to the average of 31.3% for all Camden children.

24.1% of Muslim children live in households where either nobody has ever worked or was long-time unemployed (defined as more than 12months). This is almost twice the Camden average.
 Nearly 30% of Camden’s Muslim population was born in Bangladesh, which ranks
Camden second after Tower Hamlets in Greater London.
Over a quarter (26%) of dependent Muslim

Muslims aged over 50 years form a higher proportion of people with a limiting long-term illness (54%),
compared with all Camden people aged over 50 (38%).

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